documents and information we require


Find out what documents and information we require from DB Work for employment in the Netherlands

DB Work is an employment mediation and placement agency specialising in offering employment opportunities in the Netherlands, particularly in the fields of shipping, industry, construction and logistics. We pride ourselves on offering not just a job, but a complete benefits package including accommodation, transport, medical insurance and work equipment. Our team provides you with detailed information and support, both before you leave for your job in the Netherlands and after you've arrived.

To ensure the process is as simple and transparent as possible, we provide prospective employees with full details of the documents and information they will need during the interview stages and later when they are legally employed in the Netherlands.

Full CV for employment in the Netherlands

A detailed CV is essential to highlight your professional experience and skills. It should include information about education or training, previous work experience, technical skills and any other certifications relevant to the job you want. A well-structured and correctly completed CV can make the difference between being selected for an interview and being overlooked.

Copy of ID card

Copies of your identity card are required for the conclusion of the mediation contract with the DB Work agency and subsequently for the finalisation of the employment contract with the Dutch employer. It is important to have a clear copy of this document at hand to avoid delays in the employment process.

Bank account details

When you start working in the Netherlands, you will receive your salary in euros from your Dutch employer. You will therefore need to provide us with a bank statement with your bank account details, including the IBAN and SWIFT code of the bank. Make sure you have an euro bank account open to facilitate the quick and efficient transfer of your salary.

BSN - Unique Identification Code in the Netherlands

BSN (Burgerservicenummer) is a unique identification code required for all residents of the Netherlands. It is similar to the personal number code in other countries and is essential for any employee. At DB Work, we guide you through the process of obtaining this code once you arrive in the Netherlands. 

Telephone number and email address

If this information is not already included in your CV, make sure you provide it to the DB Work team. Your phone number and email address are essential to maintain effective communication with you, to keep you informed about DB Work events and to send you the necessary documents electronically.

Documents proving professional qualifications

In order to validate your skills and ensure that you are suitable for employment in the Netherlands, you will need to provide documents that attest to certain professional qualifications required for the job you want. These may include diplomas, qualification certificates, professional certificates or other relevant documents.

Clothing and footwear sizes

Because DB Work will provide you with complete work equipment and protective equipment suitable for your job, it is necessary to provide us with your clothing and footwear size. This allows us to provide you with comfortable, tailor-made equipment that ensures your safety and efficiency at work.


By providing all the necessary documents and information, we ensure that your employment process will be simple, efficient and hassle-free. We are committed to supporting you every step of the way during the interview and hiring stages, ensuring you have all the resources you need to succeed in your new career in the Netherlands. 

If you have experience in the naval, industrial, construction or logistics fields, we look forward to receiving your CV on and are here to guide you towards a bright professional future.

Do you want to be part of the DB Work professional team? Do you have experience in the naval, industrial, logistics, or construction field? Send your CV by email to!

Here are the advantages of working in the Netherlands with a DB Work contract: