Social Insurance in The Netherlands


Life in the Netherlands and Social Insurance: Information for Employees through DB Work in the Netherlands

Life in the Netherlands means not just picturesque landscapes and vibrant culture, but also a solid social insurance system. For those who are employed in the country through DB Work, it is essential to understand the benefits and coverage offered by Dutch social insurances.

The Dutch social security system is one of the most comprehensive in the European Union. As soon as you start working in the Netherlands, you automatically begin contributing to the Dutch social security system. Most social security contributions are automatically deducted from your salary.

In this article, we will explore the essential aspects of this system, such as health insurance, pension, or insurance for children and family.

Health Insurance

Once you arrive in this country, you will see that life in the Netherlands brings you quality medical services, guaranteed through the mandatory health insurance system. Through the employment contract with DB Work, professionals working in the Netherlands receive, among many other benefits, basic medical insurance for the duration of the contract.

There are two types of health insurances in the Netherlands (Basisverzekering - basic insurance) and, respectively, optional insurance (Aanvullende Verzekering). The former is the mandatory health insurance, which DB Work provides you through the employment contract and covers general health needs, consultations, hospital care, medication, medical transport, obstetrics, and medical care during pregnancy.


The Netherlands has a solid pension system that ensures financial security for people after retiring from active life. Dutch employers collaborating with DB Work adhere to the legislation regarding social contributions, so you will be able to benefit from a pension from the Netherlands, for the period with an employment contract in this country. Depending on monthly income and other criteria, you will accumulate a substantial pension to ensure a comfortable living after retirement.

You should know that if a person has legally worked, with an employment contract, in any of the European Union countries, including the Netherlands, they will have the right to claim their pension rights from those countries, as soon as they have accumulated the minimum required years of work to retire.

Practically, after a series of procedures with the relevant authorities, you will receive a pension for the years worked in the Netherlands, directly into the bank account in the country where you live.

Insurance for Children and Family

Life in the Netherlands for employees who have families or children in care means a wide range of benefits and support services. The basic child allowance is provided by the Dutch state for children whose parents work in the Netherlands or have Dutch citizenship and meet other criteria. This allowance varies depending on the child's age. The amount allocated for the state child allowance gradually increases as the child ages up to the age of 18.

Parents employed in the Netherlands can also request two additional financial support - the “Kindgebonden Budget” and “Kinderopvangtoeslag”.

The “Kindgebonden Budget” varies depending on the family's annual income and the number of children. The child allowance and supplement can be claimed for any minor child in the country. Thus, even if you receive benefits for your children in your home country, you have the right to claim the allowance and supplement in the Netherlands.

“Kinderopvangtoeslag” consists of a financial reimbursement for parents, aimed at reducing the costs of childcare for young children during working hours.

Reclaiming Taxes from the Netherlands

If you have worked in the Netherlands through DB Work in the last 5 years, you should definitely check if you are entitled to a refund of taxes and duties. If you meet the conditions, all you have to do is file a tax recovery request, either on your own or through a specialized company.

Overall, the Dutch social insurance system offers a robust safety net for professionals we collaborate with at DB Work. It is essential to be informed about all these Dutch social insurances. By accessing these benefits, you can enjoy a safer and more protected life in the Netherlands.

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Here are the advantages of working in the Netherlands with a DB Work contract: