Child benefit Netherlands

Blogs News 29.08.23

Child benefit Netherlands - How to get it and what are the steps

Are you legally employed in the Netherlands and have children or have you become a parent in the Netherlands and would you like to receive Dutch child benefit? This is provided by the Dutch state and any child with parents who work in the Netherlands or have Dutch citizenship can receive it. It increases depending on the child's age, and to be able to get it you need the DigiD code.

Please read the guide below to find complete information on how your children can benefit from the state allowance in the Netherlands, or check our job vacancies if you want to work in this country with a contract through DB Work.

General information about Child Benefit Netherlands

In the Netherlands, child benefit is called Kinderbijslag, and any child living in the Netherlands can benefit from it if certain conditions are met. 

First of all, the child must be registered in the Netherlands, and the application for receiving the allowance is made only by the parent who is employed and has had no interruptions in the work period of the last 6 months. 

Can you receive the Dutch child allowance for a child from your country?

If you work in the Netherlands and meet the conditions mentioned in the previous paragraph, you will be able to receive an allowance even if you have a child in your country. However, if your child already receives the allowance in your country, this amount will be deducted from the allowance received in the Netherlands, and only the difference will be transferred to the bank account quarterly. To be able to benefit from this Dutch child allowance, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Children must not exceed the age of 18.
  • There must be no break in the employment contract in the last 6 months.
  • The employer must have paid all social security contributions related to your employment contract.
  • Bank statements indicating the alimony you have paid in the last 12 months.


How much money does the Dutch state provide as child benefit?

Depending on the child's age, the allowance increases gradually until this right stops when the child turns 18. Here is the amount that will be transferred quarterly to your bank account after you submit the necessary documents for the approval of the allowance (information valid in February 2023):

  • Children between the ages of 0 and 5 will receive 269,76 euros quarterly
  • Children between the ages of 6 and 11 will receive 327,56 euros quarterly
  • Children between the ages of 12 and 18 will receive 385,37 euros quarterly


Important! If you and your child are eligible to receive child benefit for the last few months, you can make this request, which helps you receive up to 12 months of child benefit in the Netherlands.

What documents are needed for applying for child benefit in the Netherlands

If you meet all the necessary conditions to receive the child allowance, you can start preparing the necessary documents for the file through which you will make the request. Try to organize ahead of time because the duration for approval can even reach several months. Here are the documents you will need:

  • Copy of the passport or identity document of the person making the request
  • Copy of spouse's or husband's passport or identity document
  • Copies of the children's passport or birth certificates
  • Copy of parents' marriage certificate


How do you apply for child benefit in the Netherlands?

If you have the documents and you meet all the conditions, all you have to do is access the official Sociale Verzekeringsbank website, identify the section for the benefit granted to children and log in to the platform using your DigiD data. Fill out the form and wait for your application approval.

The money will be transferred to the parents' bank account on a quarterly basis as previously specified.

If you already have children approaching the age of majority, also consult the information about the Dutch university system in our article.

Are you ready for your new career in the Netherlands? If you are interested in a job in the Netherlands, in the naval, industrial, logistics, or construction field, send your updated CV to and our recruiters will get back to you as soon as possible.

What benefits do you get with a DB Work contract?

Learn more about the benefits offered by DB Work contracts!